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featured chef : spotlight on amazing recipes

Chef Dan Moody, Sous Chef, LudoBites, Los Angeles
"As a chef, I feel that it’s my duty to serve food that tastes great, but also nourishes the body and contributes to health and wellness. When possible, I like to substitute agave nectar for sugar, to save some stress on the pancreas! When I think about using sugar in a dish, I’ve got three options: white sugar, light brown sugar and dark brown sugar. What I love about Nature’s Agave is that I now have 3 varieties of agave to choose from. Depending on what flavors I’m working with, I can simply sweeten the dish with the clear nectar, or I can add hints of caramel with the darker varieties. It’s nice to be able to have that sort of control with an agave syrup."

Chef Dan is the authority on dating and relationship-related cooking advice. Formally trained in classical French cuisine, with experience in nouvelle French cuisine, he believes that food and the act of cooking are also important ways of expressing love, showing hospitality and ultimately bringing people together.  He is currently working as Sous Chef with Chef Ludo Lefebvre for LudoBites in Los Angeles, where they have been experimenting with Nature’s Agave premium nectars for the LudoBites menu.